City, LAS Respond to Public Comments Regarding Recent Dog Euthanasia
The City of Lubbock and Lubbock Animal Services (LAS) are aware of public comments and accusations on social media platforms regarding the recent euthanasia of rescue dogs. We are committed to transparency, and following proper procedures when dealing with such issues. Allegations of improper practices or illegal euthanasia techniques against LAS are unfounded and false.
On Friday, April 14, 2023, an owner of 12 rescue dogs requested that LAS euthanize the animals for aggressive behavior issues. LAS provides this service for end of life/suffering issues and for public safety concerns. The dogs were humanely euthanized as per LAS departmental rules, policies and procedures.
The citizen that had custody of the animals is not an official rescue organization on file with LAS. At the time of the owner surrender, the dogs had been under their care and custody for several weeks. Under city ordinance, anyone caring for and having custody of an animal for more than 72 hours is identified as the owner of those animals. In this case, all owner surrender euthanasia request policies, procedures and practices were followed.
LAS is also aware of comments regarding an alleged relationship between the citizen involved and an LAS employee. An internal investigation is underway regarding this relationship to ensure there was no interference with departmental business, policies or procedures.
If disciplinary actions are taken, they will not be discussed publicly.