City of Lubbock Announces ‘Food Truck Alley’ Back for Summer: Event Dates

In an effort to educate and build Lubbock’s growing food truck community, the City’s Fire Marshal’s Office and Environmental Health Department have partnered with the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center to bring Lubbock citizens another summer of ‘Food Truck Alley’.

The City first started ‘Food Truck Alley’ in July of 2022, and it has grown rapily in participation.

This event takes place monthly on designated Tuesdays and will follow the Fire Marshal’s Office and Environmental Health Department’s regular inspection and permitting process available in NE corner of the Civic Center parking lot.

This event is open to the public and all fully permitted food trucks are invited to participate. Lubbock residents and visitors are encouraged to come enjoy the local food trucks on the following dates between 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.:

  • Tuesday, June 13*
  • Tuesday, July 18*
  • Tuesday, August 15*
  • Tuesday, September 12*

For more information, visit

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