December First Friday Art Trail at the Buddy Holly Center
The Buddy Holly Center invites the community to participate in Lubbock’s First Friday Art Trail on Friday, December 2, 2022. First Friday Art Trail is a program of LHUCA (the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts). Held on the first Friday of every month in venues around the city, galleries, restaurants, and businesses open FREE of charge to display local and regional visual and performing art. The First Friday Art Trail works to promote art and outreach within the community of Lubbock by providing an opportunity to enjoy fine art and entertainment.
Friday, December 2, 2022
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
1801 Crickets Avenue
FREE admission
Paper Ugly Christmas Sweater craft in the educational area.
Please note that no outside food or beverage will be permitted inside the venue.
Come see the brand new exhibition in the Fine Arts Gallery, Ongoing2 Gathering. Ongoing2 Gathering is an exhibition of painting, sculpture, video, and sound that centers the work of West Texas artists Lahib Jaddo and Sara Waters, who in turn invited their children Nadia Shihab and Zachary James Watkins to occupy the passage joining their gallery spaces. What emerges is a space where the voices of four artists resonate, diverge and find form through the mediums that inspire them. This exhibition will be open through January 15, 2023.
For more information, visit our website or call the Buddy Holly Center at 806-775-3560.
Join us on social media @BuddyHollyCenter for updates and upcoming events.