Spring & Summer Irrigation Guidelines Effective April 1
March 31, 2024 9:00AM CDT
The City’s spring and summer irrigation restrictions become effective on Monday, April 1 and continue through Monday, September 30.
Spring & Summer Irrigation Restrictions
- Irrigation is allowed from midnight to 10:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to midnight on your assigned watering days.
- Turn off irrigation every day from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Irrigate less than 1.5 inches per zone per week.
Year-Round Restrictions
- Irrigate landscape only during your two assigned days per week.
- Irrigation schedules are based on the last digit of the house address:
- Addresses ending in 0, 3, 4, or 9 – Monday and Thursday
- Addresses ending in 1, 5, or 6 – Tuesday and Friday
- Addresses ending in 2, 7, or 8 – Wednesday & Saturday
- Irrigate landscape without runoff
- Irrigate only when temperatures are above 35 degrees Fahrenheit
- Do not irrigate during precipitation events
- Do not irrigate on Sundays
- Hand watering is allowed any time of day and on any day of the week
The City of Lubbock commends its citizens for the significant amount of water that has been conserved over the past decade. It asks that all residents and businesses continue with their water conservation efforts. Effective water conservation is a continuous year round effort. For more information about water restrictions, visit www.mylubbock.us/irrigation.
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