Local Church Hosts Giant Junk & Jewels “Garage” Sale // Parking for Texas Tech Football Game Days

“One person’s trash is another person’s treasure,” the old saying goes.

St. John’s United Methodist Church means to honor that adage with its Junk & Jewels Sale, hosted at the church, Sept. 5-8, at 1501 University Ave. An exclusive preview sale is from 5-9 p.m. Thursday, with $5 admission per person. Friday and Saturday hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Last-chance hours are Sunday from 1-4 p.m.

St. John’s member Sarah Nuckolls has lost track of how many times she’s been involved in helping to lead the event.

“Everyone loves a good garage or yard sale,” Nuckolls said. “With merchandise coming from congregation members, their friends and family, and the church itself, we have lots and lots of items, many that someone could consider ‘jewels.’ My personal goal for the event is $20,000!”

From household items and décor, to toys, furniture, electronics, books, clothing and more, there are plenty of treasures waiting to be found. Proceeds from the sale benefit the church’s operating budget and church ministries.

St. John’s UMC has partnered with the South Plains Food Bank for decades to provide food vouchers to those in need in the community. It also supports Boy Scout Troop 406, Family Promise, PFLAG, Lubbock Pride and other nonprofit programs, with donations or by furnishing meeting space.

The church provides inexpensive parking options for Texas Tech students year-round and sells parking spaces for Texas Tech football game day parking.

Learn more about St. John’s United Methodist Church at stjohnslubbock.org and follow them on FacebookInstagram and YouTube.

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