Lubbock Preschools Donate Over 1,100 Cans to Local Charities

Primrose School of South Lubbock donated 1,180 canned goods to the South Plains Food Bank. Local preschoolers collected donations in support of the organization’s mission to feed families this holiday season.

“Nurturing generosity in young children is an investment in the future of our society,” said Jo Kirchner, CEO of Primrose Schools. “At Primrose Schools, we believe that teaching children the value of giving, sharing and caring is a cornerstone of early education. And, by educating children to be service-minded and to give without expectation, we are working together toward a brighter future of caring, community-oriented citizens.”

Primrose School of South Lubbock donations
Primrose School of South Lubbock donations
Primrose School of South Lubbock donations

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