Free Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Available

Heading into the fall and winter months, CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older receive an approved and updated COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine protects against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19. Updated COVID-19 vaccines from both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech are now available. The virus that causes COVID-19 is always changing and the updated vaccines target a more current form of the virus than last year’s vaccine. Vaccination remains the best protection against this virus.

For Adults with health insurance, most plans will cover the cost of an updated COVID-19 vaccine. Adults with health insurance are able to receive the vaccine at local pharmacies and physician offices.  The vaccine will be processed through your insurance in the same way as other recommend vaccines.

Adults who do not have health insurance, or those with health plans that do not cover the vaccine, can still receive a free vaccine from Lubbock Public Health and from pharmacies that are participating in the CDC’s Bridge Access Program. The following pharmacy chains are participants in the CDC’s Bridge Access Program:

• CVS Pharmacy
• Walgreens Pharmacy
• Wal-Mart Pharmacy

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children

Children with health insurance may receive a COVID-19 vaccine from a local pharmacy or a medical office that accepts their insurance. Please check with the local pharmacy on age requirements.  Children under the age of four will need to go to a medical office.

Children enrolled in Medicaid, CHIP, who do not have insurance or whose insurance does not cover the COVID-19 vaccine may receive the vaccine from a provider enrolled in the Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) program or from Lubbock Public Health at no cost.

COVID-19 Vaccines at Lubbock Public Health

Lubbock Public Health can provide the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to individuals without health insurance and those enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid. The health department cannot process commercial health insurance such as Blue Cross Blue Shield or Aetna. The department carries a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine for adults and children with health insurance who cannot access a vaccine provider. The cash price for the vaccine is $190. The clinic will provide a receipt to file a claim with your insurance plan. The clinic cannot guarantee that you will be reimbursed the total amount.

To schedule an appointment to receive the updated COVID-19 vaccine with Lubbock Public Health, please call 806-775-2933.

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